Thursday, January 26, 2012

Grandmom came to play!

I LOVE when Chad's grandmother comes over to play! I called her last night and asked her if she could come over and watch over Weston while I worked on some housework upstairs. I really needed to organize the bedroom. It was overflowing with stuff from the bathroom, laundry, and just junk that needed to be put away. It is so hard to decide what to work on when she comes over. I could get lots of editing done, but then when do I do the housework... while Weston is attached to my legs?! It seems like he is always holding onto me lately especially on the days when he does not nap well. Nap-time has been brutal lately. He has only been sleeping about an hour during the day. 

Anyway I was so happy to have a few hours of uninterrupted time to get a few things done around the house. I was even able to shower without worrying about W! :) Here are some pictures of Grandmom and Weston playing today.
And then Grandmom took one of me and my man! I don't have too many of us together! No make-up, not showered, and still in my pjs at 3pm... but lovin this.
Now it is time for me to edit, edit, EDIT before my 3 sessions this weekend. My goal is to work until 11pm tonight. Hopefully I can stay awake! I'll be working on this little gal's gallery:

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