Thursday, February 16, 2012

Growing up...

Weston is growing up so fast. He is now considered a toddler, but in my eyes he is still a baby! Everything about him is changing!

BOTTLES: The doctor wants me to start weaning him off the bottle by the time he is 18 months. Weston was getting 4 bottles a day up until  he was a year old. (1 morning, 1 before morning nap, 1 before afternoon nap, 1 bedtime). We are now down to 2 bottles a day. He gets one bottle when he wakes up and another bottle before bed. I do not rock and cradle him with a bottle anymore and I miss that SO much. In the morning he sits/lays in my lap and drinks his bottle while we watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I lounge there enjoying every minute. That is my cuddle time with my lil' man and I do not want that to go away! I seriously lay there smelling his baby smells, patting his adorable little legs, and smooching him every few minutes. :) At night he gets dressed in his pjs and drinks his bottle. Then we head to the bathroom to brush his teeth. 

TEETH: Brushing W's teeth has been a challenge. At first we started with a mini toothbrush from -the First Aid kit we bought at the store. He loved it! The first few weeks he would even brush his teeth after we would brush it for him. Then, he started to refuse us to even touch his mouth with the toothbrush. I went to the store and bought a finger toothbrush and non-floride toothpaste. What a wonderful idea because now he LOVES to brush his teeth again! I think he likes to taste the toothpaste. :)

NAP TIME: Surprisingly nap time has been amazing. Weston goes straight down. No cuddling. No rocking. This is what I MISS!!! But he does not want to be rocked, he wants to go right into his crib with Elmo, Doggy, and Monkey. I cover him up, tell him sweep dreams, and walk out. What a difference compared to me rocking him to sleep with his bottle and sneaking out after putting him in his crib. Afternoon naps used to be so hard because he would cry himself to sleep. Not anymore. 

WALKING: Weston is finally walking. He still crawls here and there, but he is practicing walking everyday. I love looking at his little face as he walks to a certain toy. He is just so proud of himself. Priceless. 
Finally Walking

PLAYTIME: Playtime is so different too! I will catch Weston stacking blocks (today I looked over and he had 6 blocks stacked),  pick up a toy phone and say "hello",  pretend to eat a lemon from his kitchen set and make a funny sour face, color for 20 minutes (which is an enormous amount of time to be sitting in a high chair for W), and clean up a lot after he plays. He will find a toy that does not belong in a certain spot and will take it to the right basket! We love to stay organized around here!!!
Weston's art work! He loves to stick stickers on it when he is finished coloring. :)
 Weston's block tower!! Wahoo!
MEAL TIME- Mealtime has changed drastically in the past few months. No more pureed food for this kid. Veggies are really hard to get him to eat (he will eat cooked carrots and parsley potatoes) so I give him the squeezie pouches with the pureed veggies and fruits inside of them.  I think he really likes that he is able to feed it to himself. Weston still does not like anything with tomatoes. You would think he would love pizza, but nope. He loves hard boiled egg yolks, bananas (now he refuses to eat them cut up and has to eat them whole like daddy- "nanas"), cookies (of course- "cook"), waffles ("wa-was"), and crackers ("crack"). Somedays I feel like pulling out my hair trying to satisfy his cravings! He will be so picky one day and not want to eat anything and then be a pig the next day. Oh and I feel like I should keep a dust buster strapped to my belt because I pick up food off the floor ALL.DAY.LONG!
Eating a banana!


  1. hm... doesn't this mean it's about that time to put another in the oven??? ;) Weston needs a little sibling he can cook for in his kitchen!

  2. He he he... we will see! Not just yet though. :) I am sure he would love to have a sister or brother.
