Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th Festivities

Weston had such a fun 4th of July!! We had lunch with Gaga and Pop Pop at the Creamery. After hanging out at their house for a few hours, we headed for home so Weston could take another nap (he refused to take one at Gaga’s house).

Then, we went to a 4th of July cookout at Chad’s uncle’s family farm. I was so happy to see one of my students that I taught when he was in kindergarten. He is all grown up!! I gave him a few big squeezes and introduced him to Weston. We talked a bit about teachers he had these past few years and I was surprised to learn that he was going into 4th grade!! I guess if I did the math, I would have figured it out! It is so crazy to see my 5 year old kindergarteners now 10 years old!! Ugh. Time flies.

Besides realizing what grade my kindergarteners are in now (my first class going into 5th grade this upcoming school year), we listened to a great bluegrass band and ate some yummy food! We took Weston to see the goat, sheep, horses, and even the crazy gobblin’ turkeys!! Unfortunately, it was getting late and we needed to head home. Yes, before the fireworks! Maybe next year Weston will be old enough to watch them?? I hope all of you had a wonderful Independence Day!!

Proud to be an American.

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