Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Saturday morning Chad cut the lawn. Weston stood at the door saying "Tractor! Tractor!". He loves everything his daddy does, but the one thing he loves the most is when Daddy is on the tractor (lawn mower). Last week he sat on Chad's lap the whole entire time while mowing the lawn. I am not a big fan of it at all. I envision Weston falling off the tractor and getting his legs cut off (I know... gross). Or I wonder if it is too loud and may cause him to have some hearing loss? I am a worry wart. And now that I am a mother I worry even more!
Well yesterday morning I woke up to see this all over my front lawn! Ugh. 
When I was a child these were not weeds. They were beautiful "wishies". I would blow and make a wish not knowing that the 30 some wishies would make another amazing, magical plant ... AKA WEED! I called Chad right away and told him we need to do something about our lawn. It looked beautiful on Saturday and Sunday. Then Monday came and now our lawn is full of weeds. No so pretty anymore. 


  1. I worry all the time too. It's actually to the point that I freak when George takes the dog on the four-wheeler. I think the same things that he is going to fall off and get run over. I CANNOT imagine the feeling of worrying about a child let alone a dog. I am pathetic. Also, I laughed about the dandilions you are talking about. I see all these things on Pinterest with "wishies" on pillows, and picture frames, etc and just think "Don't you people know they are weeds!" As cute as they are I will not support the spread of these yard suckers by buying any of it.

  2. I used to worry about the dogs all the time. Now it is all about W. And I hate dandelions!!!!!! By the way... thanks for the seed info... my tomatoes, cantaloupe, and peppers are growing in the tp tubes!
