Sunday, May 6, 2012

Scatter Brained Mama... RIGHT HERE!

Oh yes. I am that mom who is severely scatter brained! My mind is going every which way at ALL hours of the day and night. In the morning I think of everything I need to accomplish for that day- you know all the daily household routines and then whatever I want to complete for the photog biz. I like to consider myself pretty organized. When I taught kindergarten, I was known to be the gal who saved all the lessons and materials in a precise order. Everyone came to me when they needed to copy a lesson or worksheet. Now with my photography business, I spend several hours a week keeping paper work straight. Well, at home I am a complete unorganized scatter-brained mama! I am constantly losing important papers... well I am not really losing them, I put them in a pile and then the pile stacks up until I forget that the important paper is at the bottom! Oops!
Yesterday was the day where I definitely regret adding that important paper to "the pile". Weston and I were headed home from a playdate when I was pulled over. Ugh. Just wonderful, right? I tried thinking of the reason why he pulled me over. I was not talking on the phone, I was not speeding, hmmm... it had to be my headlight! I knew it was out and I have told Chad that he needs to change it soon before I get pulled over. Darn it, Chad! It is all your fault. Then, the police officer came up to my window and informed me that my tags were expired since OCTOBER 2011! Ha ha ha... are you serious?! Yep. That stinkin paper came in the mail. In order to renew my tags I had to get my emissions test first. So I did that, it passed, and then I put that paper away. I thought I was finished the task, but I actually forgot to get the tags renewed after my emissions passed! So scattered-brained mama now has to pay a $70 fine. As soon as I came home I renewed my tags online. Done.

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