Monday, March 5, 2012

Sick little man.

This past weekend was rough. Very rough. 
Chad went away with his family to Tennessee for Commodity Classic. He left Thursday night and came home Sunday evening. Friday night I decided to stay up and work late on photos so I could have the rest of the weekend to do fun things! At midnight I called it a night and headed upstairs to check on W. I could hear him up tossing and turning every couple of minutes while I was working so I kind of had a feeling something was wrong. I decided to wake him up to take his temperature. He was drenched in his own sweat and was burning up. His temperature was 102.7. So I undressed him in just his onesie, gave him medicine, and stayed up with him for pretty much the rest of the night. We walked around the dark house and looked out the windows for cars and trucks. We had 2- 20 minute naps between 12am-6:30am. He took a morning nap for about an hour. So my first night with Chad away I had slept a total of almost 2 hours. Little did I know that would be the only time I would sleep for the rest of the weekend.
After his morning nap on Saturday, Chad's mom came over to play with Weston while I ran to Walmart to pick up some more Infants Ibuprofen. He went down for his afternoon nap around 4pm. My best friend Kristin came over. We had plans to veg out and watch movies! She ran to Chilis to pick up our carry-out order. Weston woke up at 5:30 and I immediately knew something was wrong. I took him to the bathroom with me (no privacy anymore with kids!) and when I was finished I asked him to follow me and shut the door (he is obsessed with shutting doors). He tried to crawl to follow me and started crying. I could tell that he was in pain. I stood him up at his kitchen set and he almost collapsed. Something was definitely wrong with his right leg.
Kristin returned with a big bag of yummy treats from Chilis. I had her take a look at W and she definitely thought it was strange too. I called the nurse on call and she advised us to go straight to the emergency room because he could be getting an infection in his body from his cold. I packed his diaper bag with everything I thought we would need for a few hours- food, bottles, a few toys. Then we headed to the ER. Our Chilis food had to wait. 
After waiting and getting checked in, Weston had to get some blood taken. This was not a fun task at all. We had to hold him down as the nurse took his blood. Weston and I both cried together. I tried singing his favorite songs Humpty Dumpty and Itsy Bitsy Spider to calm him down, but that did not work. We had to wait another 30 minutes for the results. He finally calmed down and fell asleep in my arms. His x-rays came back showing that there were no broken bones in the leg so that was good news. Then the news came back that they did not get enough blood and it clotted by the time it made it to the lab. His veins are so tiny that the blood came out so slow. So round 2 of taking blood.... more tears. And then there was round 3. Finally there was enough blood. The doctor came in around 11:30pm and told us that his crp levels was extremely high (C-Reactive Protein test which is measured in your blood. It appears in higher amounts when there is swelling in the body). She told us that the high number is 3 and Weston's crp number was 27.8! She told us that we needed to be transferred to Johns Hopkins Hospital. 45 minutes later Weston was strapped to a stretcher and we were in the ambulance. I wanted to sit next to my baby on the ride, but had to sit in the front. All I could hear was his screams and it was breaking my heart. I seriously was about to squeeze my rear end through that cubby hole window in the front so I could be with him. Finally he fell asleep and stayed asleep the whole ride and even while we were getting checked into our room. 
Unfortunately Weston's IV (even though we ended up not needing to hook him up to an IV) bent on the way to Johns Hopkins so they had to start another one where they were able to take more blood and get it ready for an IV just in case. 4 LONG hours later the doctor came to tell us that Weston's white blood count was good and they were just waiting for the CRP levels which they decided to test again. By 6am our doctor told us that Weston's CRP level was 1.8! They did the test two times to make sure that the reading was right. Vastly different from the 27.8 reading at the other hospital. He told us that it was probably just a mistake. He said that there was no need for us to be there and that we could go home! Weston has a cold and on top of it probably hurt his foot or is irritated a bit from the virus (which happens a lot in babies but the pain is usually in the hip and not leg). In a way I was furious. How in the heck could lab work be mistaken like this? Or could it really had been that high and went down so low. A miracle? I am not really sure what happened and will never know. But there was a lot of reassurance that Weston was healthy and that is all I really care about. 
finally going home!
We got home around 7am and went right to sleep. We slept on and off throughout the day and we were so ready to see Daddy (Chad) when he came home later that night. I thank God that my little man is alright. That night was one of the worst nights ever. I felt horrible for Weston. Watching him cry in pain and in fear broke my heart. Since then I think I kissed the boy about a million times and hugged him every chance I get. Maybe that is why he started biting today ... trying to tell me "Give me some space, Mommy!"
My poor baby's leg. :(
Still smiling though. :)
Back to normal! Timeout again! No biting Mommy!
Thanks to my besty Kristin and my amazing mother-in-law for being by my side during all of this. I seriously do not know what I would have done if I was all by myself. 


  1. Yeah I would stay away from that first hospital, I'm guessing the one in Bel Air? Been there enough with Mom to know it least the ER! So sorry both of you had to go through that nightmare :-(

  2. :( Poor Weston! I can't believe you had to go through all that... Chad should give you a Mommy of the Year award and treat you to something nice. ;)

  3. We had a similar experience at the same hospital and ended up int he same room at Hopkins! It's so scarey! I'm so glad he is okay!

  4. scary! did you take him to upper cheasapeak? we took Lily there when she was acting really weird and they ran tests and said she had intesusseption! We were rushed to a different hospital and had tons of tests and iv's and all that horrible stuff and everything came back fine too. The Docter was mad that Upper Cheasepeack jumped to such drastic conclusions. Josh was also out of town so I went through it all with out is the worst. I guess in the end it is better safe then sorry. My brother worked as an OR assistant and he told me that there are so many times that people say 'it's nothing' and before you know it, it is too late. You definatly did the right thing, and even though the first hospital over could have been worse...thankgoodness it wasn't!!! (I also believe in Miracles though :) ) If it was Upper guess is that they do not have the doctors on hand to really take care of emergency situations so they just send people out to get better answers. (and say way too much...freaking parents out!)
