Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Weston is ONE!

One year old Weston:
-          - Weighs 19lbs (50%) Height- 28 inches (25%)
-          - Favorite Toy: big bouncy ball, Playschool Mailbox
-          - Favorite Song: BINGO
-          - Favorite Book: Touch & Feel Christmas book
-          - Favorite Show- Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
-          - Favorite game: mommy chasing him around the house
-          - Stands on own, but when realizes it he falls to the ground
-          - Knows body parts: head, hair, eyes, ears, tongue, teeth, belly, wee wee, and nose
-          - Knows the meaning of objects around the house… probably way more than I even know! Too many to list.
-          - Very picky eater. Does not like to eat veggies or fruits unless they are pureed.
-          - Night awakenings just began.
-          - Picks up things on the floor that does not belong and brings them to me! (Lint, tiny pieces of food, dirt, etc.)
-          - Now he does not like us brushing his teeth. He glues his mouth closed! Stinker.
-          - LOVES bath time. Especially splashing and playing with the bubbles.
-          - Hugs and kisses us all the time.
-          - Loves to go through the kitchen cabinets and pull everything out.
-          - Says NO a lot! Mostly when he knows he should not do something he will say NO or he will yell NO to the dogs when they are barking. :)


  1. I love your Blog! It's a great way to keep track of all the memories! Did you know there are sites to turn your blog into a keep sake book?!? PS- Weston is seriously too cute! I can't wait to see him!

  2. Thanks! I did hear of that and will have to look into it. I am so far behind in my scrapbooking, but will use a lot of these write ups for my scrapbook. :)
